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Would you pick up a novel about maths?

Would you pick up a novel about maths?

  Why do I ask…? Because one of the characters, Kara, in my new novel is obsessed with maths.   Whether you refer to it as “math” or “maths,” I believe it has a powerful influence in our lives. Can maths really be beautiful? Even the...

A Review of Loxleys, Stratford Upon Avon

So far, I have only popped in to Loxleys for a drink, otherwise known as a ‘drink and what are your bar snacks?’ More hopefully known as ‘a drink, what are your bar snacks and please please would you show me the dessert menu just in case.’ This proved an unusually...

Prizewinning Reading

One of my more enjoyable jobs this year has been role of judging the Rubery Book Prize, an international  prize created to celebrate independent and small publisher books of a very high standard. This is a fabulous job, as I get my hands on great reads and am actually...