by | Jan 5, 2013 | Black Vanilla, Blackheath, Blackheath, Coffee Shop, Uncategorized
A Review of Black Vanilla, Blackheath. London Ok, so i am a stubborn character. This is partly the reason i have resisted recommendations from friends and followers on Black Vanilla coffee. Also Black Vanilla is a gelateria, and not having the time and hands to...
by | Nov 3, 2012 | Bella Vista, Blackheath, Restaurant
A Review of Bella Vista, Italian restaurant in Blackheath, London SE3 Where do you stand on ordering food where you do not understand every word on the menu? I don’t normally let this bother me, but we found ourselves giving the waitress at Bella Vista the third...
by | Sep 1, 2012 | Blackheath, Coffee Shop, Hooper and Palmer
A review of Hooper and Palmer’s, in Westcombe Park, Greenwich/Blackheath Now as well as considering some of the most enjoyable things about life: food, coffee, bossing you lot about as to where and how to eat, it’s worth remembering the even finer things in life...
by | Aug 25, 2012 | Greenwich, Restaurant, San Miguel Tapas
A Review of San Miguel restaurant and tapas bar, Greenwich SE10 Question is, would I ever have visited San Miguel if the San Miguel Twitterer had not challenged my lunch choice of cold mussels? A choice by which I still stand, you should know. I might not have,...
by | Aug 22, 2012 | Greenwich, Nando's, Restaurant
A review of Nando’s the Restaurant in Greenwich Pier I was happy to be going to Nando’s this week and in turn to blog about how great it was in an I’m-not-a-food-snob sort of a way. Sunday evening brought disappointment number one: they had run out of...