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…But how easy is it to pick a book title? My novella, has been on working title of ‘Adrift’ for a very long time, and only now as it starts to move from manuscript to book do I realise, I really need a different title.

So I thought I would enlist your help… What title would make you look again out of the following selection? The blurb follows…

Jessica has fallen love with mosaicist Robin. She thrives on his soulful artworks and tales of his travels in Ethiopia. But a family tragedy has left her adamant to remain adrift from emotional entanglement.

Jessica lives outside of the romantic world. She’s a story-teller, converting data from legal investigations into realities that allow her to research neglected wills and private estates. As far as she’s concerned, the story-teller never lives in her own story.

She pushes Robin away into the arms of a mutual friend; she pushes her father away to his new wife and son, but as she reaches the pinnacle of her desired isolation she realises she might have made a mistake. Can she learn from her remaining fragile friendships how to trust in a human connection that might just let her down?

From the coast to the vibrant London of the early 2000’s, follow Jessica’s journey choosing between love and isolation.

So which title would mostly make you pick up?

  • The Mosaicist
  • The Mosaicist and the Geographer
  • The sparkling mosaic at zero bar
  • A bottle-top mosaic
  • The ripples of a day

Hit reply with your favourite!

And don’t forget that collaboration with Booker shortlisted Clare Morrall of a set of short stories is available in e-book form right now!