by | Nov 20, 2014 | Coffee Shop, Greenwich, Peyton and Byrne, Uncategorized
A(nother) review of Peyton and Byrne. So back to Peyton and Byrne, and I wonder if they need an updated blog review on Blackheath.London because their cakes are JUST PERFECT in every way. ( here was the first review I mean like, Peyton &...
by | Aug 15, 2014 | Cafe, Coffee Shop, Greenwich, Peyton and Byrne, Uncategorized
A review of Peyton and Byrne, Greenwich SE10 Peyton and Bryne is one of those places you have to come back to. It’s just got too much to choose from. You feel like a kid in a sweetie shop (do kids say they feel like grown ups in a coffee shop?) too much choice...