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Update to publication date

Just to let you know, Helen and the Grandbees will now be published 28th October (can anyone else just not imagine October when the weather is like this?)B But you can still pre-order now!

Kindness Matters

I’ve been trying to promote kindness in a novel I have coming out in September, inspired by people I’ve known in deprived areas of London who’s tragic pasts are woven into their lives but do not define them. One character was inspired by someone I observed...

Have you pre-ordered my novel “Helen and the Grandbees” yet? Don’t wait for publication date… there might be a run on books by then!

Review of Aisha & Abhaya

I have a friend who’s face says everything.  I admire that friend and how comfortable she is expressing contempt. However I don’t think I am too low in the contemptuous-glare-pecking-order. I like to believe I’m in the top 15%. So all I’m saying is, as we...