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A Sense of Un-Entitlement

A Sense of Un-Entitlement

  The old and the new in South East London   My south east London ranges from sticky and urine-soaked, to smart and classy within a few steps. I can walk in the woods, stroll along an isolated industrial Thameside, shop at budget supermarkets and drink...
Helen, Ruth and One Bee

Helen, Ruth and One Bee

I’ve had a lot of questions about a sequel to HELEN AND THE GRANDBEEs, so I thought I would release this short story ‘Helen Ruth and One Bee’ from Helen’s life after her fall out with Lily. You can download it here: (There are...
The Curious Incidents of Deptford.

The Curious Incidents of Deptford.

Many curious incidents woke me up in the middle of the night in Deptford, the location my novel HELEN AND THE GRANDBEES. Deptford bridge over the Quaggy It began with the police throwing things against my second-floor bedroom window. I needed to move to the other side...

Read the Prologue to “Helen & The Grandbees”

We three sat together on the sofa for two. The sofa was made of bobbling grey and white threads. The foam stuck out through the gaps on the arm on April’s side. The gas fire flickered with pale blue lines. Bill was sitting closest to the black and white television, so...

99p e-book

Looking for some spring bank holiday reading?? Helen and the Grandbees “a heart-wrenching and deeply resonant story” ebook is at 99p at the moment!